Wednesday, September 27, 2017


The world of drugs

The clock ticks and then it beeps, it's time to take our medication. We take pills everyday, every months, and every years, but why isn't the drug taking effect on our illnesses? Is our drugs wrong? or perhaps we are wrong. Medicine has been circulating through our lives, we consume it and depend on it for the sake of our own health. But why do we still consume it even if it does not improve our health condition? A majority of people intake medicine because they want to live longer. If that is our goal from consuming drugs, then we should take another level into considering the whole scenario, we should question ourselves, what it is in our drugs? are government properly regulating it? and is it safe to consume it? The truth to answer these questions can varies, there are many factors and rumors out there that can correlate on answering the questions. One may think positive about our drugs, another stated neutral minded, and other object the drugs with a negative influence. From the three option listed there, one of them can describe each individual person's perspective, whether is positive, neutral, or negative, they all represent our own opinion. However, we human tend to judge. We blame things to escape from the issues but blaming is not the only way it can solve our current drugs problem. Instead of prejudicing on the subject matter, we should carefully consider around us and examine the world we live in. Yes, a world in high technology and advance in science, we live in a busy world that surrounded us (constantly working). We rarely have the time to  look at our medicine's ingredients and investigate the chemical property. Therefore, in this article, we will be exploring the FDA, more specifically how our drugs arrives into our hands.

Prompts that would be focused on:
  • A comparison between Europe drug administration versus U.S drug administration department.
  • How are FDA regulated and how they get funded?
  • How are our drugs approved?
  • Chemical usage and compare it to other countries.
Proposal Objective: Explore FDA and its step procedure on regulating our drugs. How do we trust the FDA, and is our drugs properly tested before they are labeled on our market?