Tuesday, October 31, 2017

FDA Cracks Down On Stem-Cell Clinics Selling Unapproved Treatments


Time is precious as FDA seriously needs it. The FDA systems or more specifically, the FDA drug administration is still lacking a proper system to navigate them as a whole. "Time" certainly is one of their main key for them to solve the organization's structure. However, FDA is not the only one who needs time, other drugs, therapy, and medical devices industries are still needing time for their items to be in used and approved by the FDA. All medical equipment's, drugs, food, and products (related to consumption) must have gone through the FDA before it to  appears in the our shelf. Selling such items without the approval of the FDA can lead to public in state of unsafety and endanger. In the case of this article, they talked about the closing of a unapproved stem cell treatment prescription drug . The FDA is shutting it because the information of the treatment didn't went to them before it was allowed to be utilized. The hospital was against it ( they were mad at FDA for restricting too much) and says that it can cure or proceed quicker of the drugs result, kind of like a clinical trials. But, under the  FDA evaluation, the drug is still considered a shut down drug, even if is for the purpose of testing, a drug will be a drug that's what they are trying to say (the FDA), any drugs will certainly contains an ingredients that can be harmful to us. An unapproved drug shouldn't be used unless is agree by the consent of the patient.

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